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Exercise Recovery Prescription LAB - October 19

Price: $129.00

As exercise professionals we know movement is improvement.  However, there are days when your client is beaten down by stress and they show up to their appointment drained and are unlikely to apply energy to anything. You know if you push them, they may leave with less energy and vitality.  What do you do?
You can apply Movement Restoration Methods.  These are a combination of systems that bring balance to your client by accessing the parasympathetic nervous system.  You can still work on the clients' goals but in a different way that has them feeling rejuvenated instead of drained.  Join Brian in this webinar and be prepared to move!  A yoga mat and some small dumbbells or kettlebells are highly recommended to have on hand.

Location: Zoom Video App

CEC's: 3 BCRPA/CFES credits

Date & Time: Saturday, October 19 - 9:00am-12:00pm

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